
The Diploma



Advanced java is used for developing the web based application and enterprise application. It will take you through Java features, OOPS concept, threading, exception, package, collections, JDBC concept. These all are very basic concept and using this you can develop the simple stand-alone applications

JDBC: this is the model part of the MVC model. This is used for getting connected with database and performing database operations like storing and retrieving data. if someone doesn’t know how to write database code then they can go for a framework called Hibernate. Other frameworks include Spring, Apache Struts, Spark etc.

What will you Learn?

In Advanced java you will learn about

Sequential and associative data structures

Classic data structures

Exception handling

Database programming with JDBC

JDBC concept


We need to learn basic language on C, C++, Core JAVA and Advanced Java Basics.

We need to learn Object Oriented Programming Concepts.

We have to know good Programming and Analytical Skills.


  Introduction to JDBC

  • Overview of JDBC
  • Overview of JDBC Architecture
  • Overview of JDBC Drivers
  • JDBC Classes and Interfaces

  Usages of JDBC

  • Using JDBC
  • Loading Drivers
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Using a Connection and Statement
  • Using a ResultSet
  • Mapping Java Types to SQL Types

  JDBC Architecture

  • Introduction to JDBC Architecture : Lecture - 1
  • Introduction to JDBC Architecture : Lecture - 2
  • Introduction to JDBC Architecture : Lecture - 3


  • Interfaces in JDBC API

  JDBC Drivers

  • Introduction to JDBC Drivers
  • Native API Driver
  • Network Protocol Driver
  • Thin Driver
  • JDBC Driver Manager


  • Introduction to ResultSet
  • Concurrency of ResultSet
  • ResultSet Navigation
  • ResultSet Column Data
  • Update ResultSet

  Java Programs on JDBC - ResultSet

  • Program on ResultSet

  CRUD Operations

  • Introduction to CRUD Operations
  • Create Operation
  • Read and Update Operation
  • Program on Read and Update Operation
  • Delete Operation

  Java Programs on JDBC - CRUD Operations

  • Program on CRUD Operations

  PreparedStatement and CallableStatement

  • Introduction
  • Program on Prepared Statement
  • Statement Interface
  • Programming Traps
  • Callable Statement

  Java Programs on JDBC - PreparedStatement and CallableStatement

  • Program on PreparedStatement
  • Program on Callable Statement

  Batch Updates

  • Introduction to Batch Update
  • Statement Batch Updates
  • PreparedStatement Batch Updates
  • Managing JDBC Batch Updates using PreparedStatement
  • Transactions in Batch Updates