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The Diploma
Hydraulics is the section of fluid mechanics which describes production, transmission and conversion of energy during mutual interaction of fluids and mechanisms in motion. This course starts from the deep fundamentals of fluid dynamics accompanied at later stages by an overall description of technical solutions used in machinery. The main objective of the course is to learn basic principles of fluid power generation, transmission and conversion with the use of hydraulic machines and supplementary passive equipment.
What will you learn?
Detail knowledge about the design of high head Francis turbines.
Hydraulic design of the spiral casing, stay vanes, guide vanes, runner and draft tube in a high head Francis turbine.
Forces acting on the main components of Francis- and Pelton turbines.
Some background in solving ordinary and partial differential equations, basic physics/mechanics, multi variable calculus and Mathematics.
Hydro, turbo machinery
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Pelton wheel
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Kaplan turbines
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