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The Diploma
Steel is an alloy of carbon and iron. It used in construction and other applications because of its Hardness and tensile strength. Due to the tensile strength of steel, it is added in concrete otherwise concrete is very much powerful in compression. Many of the structures in the whole world are made of steel.
There are many shapes available in steel structures like angle iron, channels, W sections, I section, Z sections, circular, hollow and many others. In order to understand Steel structures basics and many other topics following files have been added here for the students to enhance their knowledge.
Most common typologies of steel structures for civil and industrial buildings are considered in the course. In particular, static behavior of welded and bolted joints, design criteria for members with different loading conditions as well as their connections are considered. Practical applications are proposed for isolated members, members of frames, simply supported beams, triangulated beams, steel-concrete composite beams and roof beams. Also fatigue design, slender beam, steel-concrete composite elements and steel protection for fire and corrosion are considered.
What will you learn?
Identify and compute the design loads on a typical steel building.
Identify the different failure modes of steel tension and compression members and beams and compute their design strengths.
Select the most suitable section shape and size for tension and compression members and beams according to specific design criteria.
Identify the different failure modes of bolted and welded connections and determine their design strengths.
Structural Analysis
Analysis of arches
Strain energy theorem
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Static indeterminacy
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Three hinged arches
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Cables and frames
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Slope - deflection method
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Moment distribution method
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Influence line diagrams
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Degree of freedom
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Flexibility matrix
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Stiffness matrix
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Methods of structural analysis
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Matrix methods
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Shear centre
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Shear force and bending moment
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Slope and deflection
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