
The Diploma



A computer network, or data network, is a digital telecommunications network that allows nodes to share resources. In computer networks, computing devices exchange data with each other using connections between nodes (data links.) These data links are established over cable media such as wires or optic cables, or wireless media such as WiFi.

What will you learn?

Topics covered in this course are - Concept of layering. LAN technologies (Ethernet). Flow and error control techniques, switching. IPv4/IPv6, routers and routing algorithms (distance vector, link state). TCP/UD and sockets, congestion control. Application layer protocols (DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP). Basics of Wi-Fi. Network security: authentication, basics of a public key and private key cryptography, digital signatures and certificates, firewalls.


Networking is fairly self-contained. It will be difficult to 'fully understand' almost any aspect of modern technology, but you will be able to pick up a working knowledge of just about everything related to networking without needing to worry about You may find that you want to know more about databases and programming after you start to learn about networking. 



  Introduction to Computer Networks

  • Computer Networks (Introduction)
  • Concept of Layering ISO - OSI Stack
  • Topologies

  Application Layer

  • Application Layer
  • Application Layer Protocols- Q & A
  • OSI Stack and Lan -Q & A Part 01
  • OSI Stack and Lan - Q & A Part 02
  • OSI Stack and Lan -Q & A Part 03
  • OSI Stack and Lan - Q & A Part 04
  • OSI Stack and Lan - Q & A Part 05
  • Network Security -Q & A

  Transport Layer

  • Transport Layer
  • Flow & Error Control
  • Flow Control Techniques
  • Transport Layer - Lecture 1
  • Transport Layer - Lecture 2
  • Transport Layer - Lecture 3
  • Transport Layer -Sockets,TCP,UDP
  • Transport Layer -Tcp & Tcp Packet Format

  Network Layer

  • Stop and Wait Protocol
  • Sliding Window Protocol
  • Networking Devices
  • Layer Operations in the Devices
  • Cird Questions
  • Designing Sub Net Mask
  • IP Addresses - CIDR
  • IP Addresses - Level Q1-Q4
  • IP Addresses – Level Q5-Q9

  Network Layer 01

  • Network Layer
  • Routing Algorithms -Protocol Q1-5
  • Routing Algorithms -Protocol Q6-8
  • Routing Protocol
  • Routing Protocol-OSPF (Continued)
  • Routing Protocol-OSPF
  • Sequence Number & Hlen,Flags
  • Tcp Connection Management
  • Tcp State Diagram In Open & Close Connection
  • User Datagaram Protocol

  Data Link Layer

  • Cyclic Redundancy Checks
  • Go-Back-N
  • Lan Techologies-Ethernet
  • Thick Ethernet
  • Ethernet Frame
  • CSMA,CD Protocol
  • Aimd & Examples
  • Congection Control
  • Cont to Infinity Problems Examples
  • Cont to Infinity Problems

  Network Security and Cryptography

  • Network Security
  • Types of Attack
  • Cryptography Techniques
  • Substitution Cipher
  • Polyalphabetic Cipher
  • Data Encryption Standard ( Des )
  • Public Key Cryptography
  • RSA Technique
  • Application Layer Protocols & Wifi
  • Accessing Non Local Data

  Physical Layer

  • Packet Switching Network Delays

  Problems Solving on Code Generation and Optimization

  • Questions- Code Generation and Optimization
  • Questions Lecture 2- Flow Control Techniques
  • Questions Lecture 3- Flow Control Techniques
  • Questions Lecture 4-Flow Control Techniques
  • Questions Lecture 5- LAN Technologies:Ethernet
  • Questions Lecture 6- LAN Technologies:Ethernet
  • Questions Lecture 7- LAN Technologies:Ethernet
  • Questions Lecture 8