
The Diploma



  Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

  • Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
  • Role of Mechanical Engineering
  • Areas of Mechanical Engineering

  Product Life cycle

  • Introduction to Product Design
  • Introduction to Product Life Cycle
  • Product Life Cycle Process

  Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE

  • Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE
  • Introduction to CAD/CAE Courses
  • Introduction to CAD Software
  • Introduction to CAE Software

  Introduction to AutoCAD

  • Introduction to AutoCAD

  History of AutoCAD

  • History of AutoCAD

  Application of AutoCAD in Mechanical Engineering

  • Application of AutoCAD in Mechanical Engineering

  Difference between CAD & CADD

  • Difference between CAD & CADD
  • Difference between 2D & 3D
  • Difference between CAD Engineer & CAD Designer

  AutoCAD Software Installation

  • Installation of AutoCAD

  Graphical User Interface in AutoCAD

  • Graphical User Interface Lecture 01
  • Graphical User Interface Lecture 02

  File Management

  • File Management
  • Limits Setup

  Co-ordinate System

  • Co-ordinate system
  • Cartesian co-ordinate system
  • Relative Co-ordinate System

  Function Keys 01 - 03

  • F - 1 Online Help
  • F - 2 Text Window
  • F3 – O Snaps

  Function Keys 04 - 08

  • F4 – 3d O Snaps
  • F5 – Isoplane Views
  • F6 – Dynamic Ucs
  • F7 – Grid
  • F8 – Ortho

  Function Keys 09 - 12

  • F9 – Snap
  • F10 – Polar Tracking
  • F11 – Object Snap Tracking
  • F12 – Dynamic Input

  Draw Toolbar -Circle

  • Circles & Methods
  • Circle Example

  Draw Toolbar -Rectangle

  • Rectangle
  • Area Method
  • Dimension Method
  • Rotation
  • Chamfer
  • Fillet
  • Width
  • Thickness
  • Elevation

  Draw Toolbar -ELLIPSE

  • Ellipse Introduction

  Draw Toolbar -ARC

  • 3 Points
  • Start, Centre, End
  • Start, Centre, Angle
  • Start, Centre, Length
  • Start, End, Angle
  • Start, End, Direction
  • Start, End, Radius
  • Centre, Start, End
  • Centre, Start, Angle
  • Centre, start, Length

  Draw Toolbar -POLYGON

  • Introduction

  Draw Toolbar -POLYLINE

  • PolyLine Lecture - 1
  • PolyLine Lecture - 2
  • PolyLine Lecture - 3



  Advance Drafting Tools

  • Ray Line
  • Multi Line
  • Do Nut
  • Revision Cloud

  Selection Methods

  • Introduction to Selection Methods
  • Types of Selection Methods Lecture 01
  • Types of Selection Methods Lecture 02
  • Types of Selection Methods Lecture 03

  Modify Toolbar in AutoCAD Module 01

  • Introduction
  • Erase
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Offset
  • Chamfer
  • Fillet

  Modify Toolbar in AutoCAD Module 02

  • Mirror
  • Rotation
  • Scale
  • Stretch
  • Extend
  • Basic Trim
  • Advance Trim

  Modify Toolbar in AutoCAD Module 03

  • Break
  • Join
  • Blend Curves
  • Explode
  • Rectangular Array
  • Polar Array
  • Path Array

  Modify Toolbar in AutoCAD Module 04

  • Region
  • Poly Edit
  • Spline Edit
  • Lengthen
  • Boundary

  Properties Tool Bar

  • Line Type
  • Line Colour
  • Line Width


  • Dimension Types Lecture-01
  • Dimension Types Lecture-02
  • Dimension Style Manager Lecture-01
  • Dimension Style Manager Lecture-02


  • Introduction
  • Make a Block
  • Scale Uniform
  • Allow exploding
  • Hyperlink

  Block Modify

  • Insert Block
  • Block Editor
  • Write Block

  Hatching & Gradient

  • Hatch
  • Solid & Gradient


  • New Layer
  • Color, Line Type & Weight
  • Layer On/Off & Freeze
  • Lock & Unlock
  • Status Manager & Delete Layer
  • Example


  • Single Line Text
  • Multi-line Text
  • Arc Text


  • Table

  Utilities Tool Bar

  • Measure Tool
  • ID Point, Point Style & Quick Calculator

  Import & Export

  • Import File
  • Export File

  Layout & Plotting

  • Layout
  • Plotting
  • Publisher


  • Template

  Step by Step Procedure to install Autocad Mobile app

  • Step by Step Procedure to install Autocad Mobile App

  Modelling using Autocad App

  • Modelling using Autocad App

  Sample PDF Format

  • Sample PDF - Engg Mechanics