
The Diploma



  Introduction to Android

  • Introduction to Android
  • Origin of Android

  Introduction to MIT App Inventor

  • Introduction to MIT App Inventor
  • Block Editor
  • First App using App Inventor

  Working with Animations

  • Dancing Smurf App
  • Batman App

  Space War App

  • Designer Block
  • Block Editor
  • Any Component

  Working with Sensors

  • Location Service App
  • Shaking Colors App
  • Camera App
  • Translator App
  • Speech Recognizer App
  • Live FM App
  • Bouncing Ball App
  • Bouncing Ball App

  My Favourite Contacts App

  • Designer Block
  • Block Editor

  Resistor Color Coding App

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Resistor Color Coding
  • Setting up Home Screen
  • Color to Value Designer Block
  • Color to Value Block Editor
  • Value to Color Designer & Block Editor
  • App Conclusion

  Unit Conversion App

  • Introduction
  • Conversion of Input Unit to Standard Unit
  • Conversion of Standard Unit to Input Unit
  • Conversion of Time
  • Conversion of Area
  • Conversion of Energy
  • Conversion of Temperature
  • App Installation
  • Conversion of Weight

  Bluetooth Serial App

  • Designer Block
  • Block Editor
  • App Installation

  Background Services & Tasks

  • Background Services
  • Tasks
  • First App with Tasks