
The Diploma



 A high-level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in the mid-1970s. Although originally designed as a systems programming language, C has proved to be a powerful and flexible language that can be used for a variety of applications, from business programs to engineering. C is a particularly popular language for personal computer programmers because it is relatively small -- it requires less memory than other languages.

The first major program written in C was the UNIX operating system, and for many years C was considered to be inextricably linked with UNIX. Now, however, C is an important language independent of UNIX.

Although it is a high-level language, C is much closer to assembly language than are most other high-level languages. This closeness to the underlying machine language allows C programmers to write very efficient code. The low-level nature of C, however, can make the language difficult to use for some types of applications.

Latest Version of C

The current latest version of C language is C11, which was introduced in 2011. It is supported by all the standard C language compilers.

Many new features have been introduced in this version and an overall attempt to improve compatibility of the C language with C++ language has been made. We will learn about the C11 edition, once we are done with learning C language, towards the end of this tutorial series.

What will you learn?

C is the most basic programming language that is the base to almost all programming languages. It excels as the model of programming language. C is standardized language that each programmer must learn.

If you are a beginner

Phase 1

Start with tokens i.e. data types, variables, constants, operators.

Study decision making and loops.

Phase 2





Phase 3

Input Output

File input output

Command line arguments

These basics help you not only in programming but also lay foundation for data structures, algorithm design, UNIX, C++ and many more.

However, if you want to go for advanced course

You must write a lot of programs based on operator precedence, conditional constructs, strings, pointers to arrays, bit formation, stack implementation, standard file I/O, function call etc


There are no prerequisites to learn C programming. In fact, C is considered as a language to start with for beginners. Just a bit of logical skills should be enough.


  Programming Paradigms

  • Introduction to Programming Paradigms
  • Imperative Paradigm
  • Declarative Paradigm

  Classifications of Programming Languages

  • Introduction to Classifications of Programming Languages
  • Low Level Languages
  • Middle Level Languages
  • High Level Languages

  Programming Languages Before C

  • Introduction to Programming Languages before C
  • BCPL
  • B Language
  • C Language

  About C Language

  • Evolution of C Language
  • What Language C was Written?
  • Characteristics of C
  • Is C Procedural Oriented Language?

  Reasons to use C Language

  • Introduction to Reasons to use C Language
  • C Language Learning Outcomes
  • C as General Purpose Language
  • Standard Libraries in C

  Introduction to C Language

  • Overview of C Language
  • Features of C
  • C Language Processing System
  • Memory Regions
  • Structure of C Program

  Installation Procedure

  • Installation Procedure

  Compilation and Execution

  • Introduction to Compilation and Execution
  • Errors During Compilation and Runtime
  • Compilation Errors


  • Introduction to Tokens
  • Keywords
  • Constants
  • Identifiers
  • Special Symbols
  • Variables
  • Opearators

  Data Types : Primary Data Types

  • Introduction to Data Types
  • Integer Data Types
  • Floating Point Data Types
  • Character Data Types
  • Void Data Types

  Data Types : Secondary Data Types

  • Array and Pointer
  • Structure
  • Union
  • enum

  Modifiers and Format Specifiers

  • Modifiers
  • Format Specifiers

  First C Program using printf and scanf Functions

  • First C Program using printf Function
  • First C Program using scanf Function

  Escape Sequence and Comments

  • Escape Sequence
  • Comments

  Operators : Unary Operators

  • Introduction to Operators
  • Increment Operator
  • Decrement Operator

  C Programs on Unary Operators

  • Program on Increment and Decrement Operators

  Operators : Binary Operators

  • Introduction to Arithmetic Operators
  • Introduction to Assignment Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Introduction to Bitwise Operators

  C Programs on Binary Operators

  • Program on Arithmetic Operators
  • Program on Assignment Operators
  • Program on Bitwise Operators

  Operators : Ternary and Special Operator

  • Ternary Operator
  • Comma and sizeof Operator

  C Programs on Ternary and Special Operators

  • Program on Special Operators

  Operators : Operator Precedence and Evaluation

  • Precedence Relation
  • List of Operator Precedence
  • Evaluation of Expression in C

  C Programs on Operator Precedence and Evaluation

  • Program on Operator Precedence

  Conditional Statements

  • Simple if
  • if..else
  • Nested if
  • if .. else Ladder
  • goto Statement
  • Switch Statement

  C Programs on Conditional Statements

  • Program on Switch Statement

  Loops : while and do..while

  • Introduction to while Loop
  • Infinite while Loop
  • do..while Loop

  C Programs on while and do..while Loop

  • Program to Display 1 to N Numbers using while Loop

  Loops : for Loop

  • Introduction to for loop
  • for Loop Code Logic Explanation

  C Programs on for Loop

  • Program to Display Values from 1 to 10
  • Program to Print the First "N" Numbers
  • Program to Find Factorial of a Given Number
  • Program to Print Sum of Digits of a Positive Number

  Loops : Nested Loop

  • Introduction to Nested while Loop
  • Nested while Loop - Code Logic Explanation
  • Introduction to Nested do..while Loop
  • Nested do while Loop - Code Logic Explanation
  • Introduction to Nested for Loop

  C Programs on Nested Loops

  • Program on Nested while Loop
  • Program on Nested do..while Loop
  • Write a Nested for Loop Program To print Values from (0,0) to (2,2)
  • Program on Nested for Loop

  Loops : Break, Continue and Return Statements

  • Break Statement
  • Continue Statement
  • Return Statement

  C Programs on Break, Continue and Return Statements

  • Program on Break, Continue and Return Statements


  • Introduction to Arrays
  • Memory Storage of Arrays
  • Declaration of Arrays
  • One Dimensional Array
  • Two Dimensional Arrays
  • Multi Dimensional Arrays

  C Programs on Arrays

  • Program to Display Elements in an Array
  • Program to Find Highest and Lowest Elements in Array

  Strings and Arrays

  • Declaring an Array as String
  • Initializing an Array with Strings

  C Programs on Strings and Arrays

  • Program on Initializing an Array with Strings
  • Program to Read a String
  • Program to Find Length of a String
  • Program to Copying a String

  Strings and Arrays : Array of Strings and Multiple Strings

  • Important Statements while using String
  • Alternative use of Input Function
  • Array of Strings
  • Multiple Strings

  C Programs on Array of Strings and Multiple Strings

  • Program on Reading Multiple Strings
  • Program to Display Strings and Addresses

  Format Specifiers

  • Introduction to String Format Specifiers
  • List of Format Conversions

  C Programs on Format Specifiers

  • Using Format Specifiers
  • Reading a String using scanf()
  • Reading a String using getchar()
  • Read line of Text using gets() and puts()
  • Read Line of Text using fgets()
  • Reading a String using gets() and sscanf()
  • Using sscanf(), sprint() and snprintf()


  • Introduction to Memories
  • Introduction to Pointers
  • Benefits of using Pointers
  • Concept of Pointers
  • Declaring and Initializing Pointers
  • Points to Remember while using Pointers
  • Pointer to Pointer
  • Void Pointers

  C Programs on Pointers

  • Introduction to Operations on Pointers
  • Program on Pointers when they are Pointing to Different Data
  • Program on Increment / Decrement of a Pointer when Pointer Points to an Array
  • Addition/Subtraction of a Constant Number to Pointer
  • Subtraction of One Pointer to Another Pointer
  • Comparison of Two Pointers

  Pointer and Strings

  • Introduction to Pointer and Strings
  • Declaration of a Pointer to Handle a String

  C Programs on Pointer and Strings

  • Reading a String using Pointer
  • Reading a String with Spaces using Pointer
  • Reading a String using Pointer and Array
  • Copy a String using Pointer
  • Reading a String using Dynamic Memory


  • Introduction to Functions
  • Function Prototype
  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function

  C Programs on Functions

  • Introduction to Classification of Functions
  • Function without Arguments and without Return Value
  • Function without Arguments and with Return Value
  • Function with Arguments and with Return Value
  • Function with Arguments and without Return Value
  • Functions Execution During Runtime

  Functions : Parameter Passing Techniques

  • Introduction to Parameter Passing Techniques
  • Call by Value
  • Call by Reference

  C Programs on Parameter Passing Techniques

  • Program on Call by Value and Call by Reference in Same Function

  Functions : Recursive Functions

  • Introduction to Recursive Functions
  • Infinite Recursive Function
  • Direct Recursion
  • Indirect Recursion

  C Programs on Recursive Functions

  • Recursion using Static Variable - Code Logic Explanation
  • Recursion using Static Variable - Code Implementation

  Storage Class Specifiers

  • Introduction to Storage Class Specifiers
  • Automatic Specifier
  • Register Specifier
  • Static Specifier
  • External Specifier

  Scope of Variables

  • Introduction to Scope of Variables
  • Local and Global Variables

  Important Statements

  • sizeof Operator
  • Semicolon
  • Comma
  • Blocks
  • ASCII Codes
  • const Keyword
  • Type Casting


  • Introduction to Structures
  • Defining a Structure
  • Accessing Structure Members
  • Initialization and Declaring Structure Variables
  • Nested Structures
  • Self Referential Structure


  • Introduction to Union
  • Declaring Union
  • Accessing an Union Member
  • Memory Allocation in Union
  • Difference Between Structures and Unions
  • Introduction to Bit Fields

  C Programs on Union

  • Program on Bit FieldsProgram on Bit Fields

  Enumerations (enum)

  • Introduction to Enumeration
  • Introduction to Typedef

  C Programs on Enumerations

  • Program on Enumerated Data Types
  • Program to Find the Size of Different Variables for Structures

  C Programs on Combination of Pointers, Structures, Arrays and Functions

  • Introduction to Combination of Pointers, Structures, Arrays and Functions
  • Arrays and Pointers
  • Pointer to Array
  • Array of Pointers
  • Function with Arrays
  • Function with Strings
  • Passing and Returning Pointer to Functions
  • Pointer to Functions
  • Variable Number of Arguments of a Function
  • Pointer with Structures
  • Structures with Arrays
  • Structures with Functions

  Dynamic Memory Allocation

  • Introduction to Memory Allocation
  • Malloc
  • Calloc
  • Realloc
  • Free

  Common Mistakes

  • Formatted Input and Output
  • Using Undeclared and UnInitialized Variables
  • Missing Break in Switch Case Statements
  • Subtracting Pointers that do not Refer Same Array
  • Checking Strings Equality Errors
  • Infinite Loops
  • Not Understanding use of Strings and Character Arrays

  Problems with Pointers

  • Wild Pointers
  • Introduction to NULL Pointers
  • Introduction to Dangling Pointers
  • Aliasing Pointers
  • Suspicious Pointers

  C Programs on Problems with Pointers

  • Program on Null Pointers
  • Program on Dangling Pointers
  • Program on Handling Dangling Pointer with Dynamic Memory

  Preprocessor Directives

  • Introduction to Preprocessor Directives
  • File Inclusion
  • Program on File Inclusion
  • Macros Expansion
  • Object-like Macros
  • Function-like Macros

  Preprocessor Directives : Conditional Compilation

  • #if – if
  • #ifdef – if defined
  • #endif – end if
  • #else – else
  • #ifndef – if not defined

  C Programs on Preprocessor Directives

  • Program - 1 on Preprocessor Directives
  • Program - 2 on Preprocessor Directives


  • Introduction to Files
  • Opening a File
  • Closing a File
  • Types of Files
  • Sequential Files
  • Error Handling in Files
  • Database vs File System
  • Command Line Arguments

  C Programs on Files

  • Program on Opening and Closing a File
  • Program on Error Handling in Files
  • Writing to a Text File
  • Reading from a Text File
  • Reading and Writing from a Text File
  • Write the Strings into a File
  • Read the Strings from a File

  C Programs on Binary Operations of Files

  • Introduction to Binary Operations on Files
  • Reading and Writing Data to a Binary File
  • Program on Writing and Reading Data to a Binary File
  • Program to Write a Student Data into a File
  • Program to Read a Student Data from a File
  • Program on Writing and Reading to a Binary file using fwrite() and fread()

  Files : Random Access Files

  • Introduction to Random Access Files
  • fseek()
  • ftell()
  • rewind()


  • Introduction to Graphics
  • Introduction to Graphic Drivers and Modes

  C Programs on Graphics

  • Program to Convert Text Mode to Graphic Mode
  • Program to Print Text using Graphics

  Graphics : Basic Color Functions

  • textcolor() Function
  • textbackground() Function
  • setcolor(),setbkcolor() and settextstyle() Functions

  C Programs on Basic Color Functions using Graphics

  • Program on setcolor(),setbkcolor() and settextstyle() Functions

  Graphics : Library Functions

  • Introduction to Graphics Library Functions
  • line()Function
  • circle()Function
  • rectangle()Function
  • bar( )Function
  • ellipse()Function
  • Graphic Functions

  C Programs on Library Functions using Graphics

  • Program on All Library Functions


  • Quiz on Strings
  • testing


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