
The Diploma



Internet of Things (IoT) is a network infrastructure that connects physical objects and software applications wirelessly, allowing them to communicate with each other and exchange data via network communications, cloud computing, and data capture. Student will learn the Fundamentals of IoT as they step through the creation of an Arduino-based IoT sensor system.

What will you learn?

By the end of this course, a student will be able to:

ü Understand the principles of IoT, including IoT components and communication techniques

ü Learn how to use Arduino communication modules that can be used for different IoT systems

ü Learn how to use and program a mobile app to control Arduino

ü Use a WiFi module to connect the Arduino to another device

ü Build and deploy their own IoT Sensor System


ü A basic understanding of embedded systems

ü An understanding of the fundamentals of microcontroller programming

ü Experience with Arduino Programming


  Introduction to IoT

  • Introduction to IoT
  • Classifications of IoT
  • Applications of IoT

  History of IoT

  • History of IoT

  Architecture of IoT

  • Architecture of IoT
  • What is Gateway?

  Hardware & Software Platforms

  • IoT Hardware Platforms
  • Programming Languages for IoT

  Basic Electrical Components

  • Resistor
  • Transistor

  Embedded System

  • Introduction to MicroProcessor
  • Difference between MicroProcessor & Microcontroller


  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Boolean & Comparison Operators
  • Bitwise Operator


  • Constant Variables
  • Data Type Variables

  Control Structures

  • Introduction to Control Structures
  • if else Statement
  • Switch Statement
  • While Loop

  Arduino Hardware

  • Introduction to Arduino Platform
  • Specifications of Arduino Uno
  • Arduino Uno Pin Description
  • Advantages of Arduino Uno

  Arduino Installation

  • Arduino IDE
  • Arduino Software Installation

  Arduino Programming Structure

  • Basic Programming Steps
  • Functions

  LED Blinking

  • Introduction to LED
  • Blinking Built-in LED
  • Program Explanation
  • Code Development

  Binary Representation of a Number

  • Required Materials
  • Circuit Connection
  • Code Development

  Serial Monitor

  • Introduction to Communication
  • Introduction to Serial Monitor
  • Functions in Serial Monitor

  Control LED using Serial Monitor

  • Program Explanation
  • Code Development

  Switch Interfacing

  • Introduction to Switch
  • Circuit Connection
  • Code Development

  Keypad Interfacing

  • Introduction to Keypad
  • Circuit Connection
  • Code Explanation
  • Code Development

  LCD Interfacing

  • Introduction to LCD
  • LCD Commands for Arduino