Introduction to Robotics
Application and Laws of Robotics
Robots Classification
Components of Robot
The Diploma
Logical Robot is fun to use robot aimed at introducing robotics for beginners. It is an educational Kit that introduces learners to the basics of robotics. Involving a few sensors and switches, this robot can be made to traces lines, avoid obstacles, and follow the light. It has no onboard programming and all its functionality can be attributed to basic logic and a couple of Infrared sensors.
What will you learn?
Fabricate and build electrical, electronic, and mechanical components and assemblies in accordance with operating standards, job requirements, and specifications
Select and use a variety of troubleshooting techniques and equipment to assess, maintain, and repair electromechanical circuits, equipment, processes, systems, and subsystems.
Maintain and repair electrical, electronic, and mechanical components, equipment, and systems to ensure that they function according to specifications and to optimize production.
We assume no prior knowledge in Robotic Designing is necessary, however basic knowledge on electronic components is helpful. Highly recommended for hobbyists, electronic enthusiastic and those who want to build their career in core field can sign-up this course.
Introduction to Robotics and Components of Robot
Basics of Electronics
Basics of Electronics
Electronic & Mechanical Hardware
Introduction to Soldering & Tools
PCB Making
Motors and Wheels
Robot Locomotion
Logic Robotics Models-1
Line Following Robot
DTMF Controlled Robot
Sound Controlled Robot
Edge Avoiding Robot
Logic Robotics Models-2
Wall Following Robot
Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Obstacle Detecting Robot
Light Following Robot
Logic Robotics Models-3
Pit Avoiding Robot
Autonomous Robot